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Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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[07/25/2012] Papa-Dent claims to have revolutionized dent removal with new tool

By: -

The company Papa-Dent has created a new tool they say is efficient and reaches places other tools can't taking dent removal to a new level.

The most common method of dent repair utilizes hammers, dollies, metal rods and body picks to push the dents out from the underside of the body panel. These tools are imprecise, stretch the metal and are hard on the hands. Growing tired of using these old methods, Mark Boice found himself wanting a tool that was precise, easy to control and delivers fast and accurate dent repairs.

With this motivation, Mark created Papa-Dent. This handheld tool is the first of its kind and incorporates several tools into a single, portable device. The problem of having to deal with so many different tools is now solved. It's lightweight, durable, and has many different tool bits that are easily changed to help the user repair a wide range of dents, no matter the material, location or angle.

Automobile restoration is the process of repairing the degraded aspects of a car to return it to an overall "authentic" condition. Besides repairs done to correct obvious problems, repairs are also done for cosmetic reasons. Metal working techniques involve finishing the surface by finely shaping and smoothing. The quality of the repair is only as good as the tools used. This is where Papa-Dent shines. It saves time and money using the Papa-Dent tool.

Allen from Arizona says "The cool thing about this tool is it allows you to apply even pressure. When you are applying even pressure you can massage out buckles or crowns in surrounding metal. Be it a dent, or a bent structure like a molding or body damage, being able to apply even pressure while you straighten out the buckles or brows makes all the difference in the world."

Papa-Dent is now available to help professionals and DIY'ers effectively and efficiently remove dents from nearly all types of metals. Papa-Dent says they are continually conducting R&D to create additional accessories and to ensure the tool meets and exceeds the all expectations.

For more information, visit

SOURCE: Papa-Dent

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